deep in my cells
are streams of magnetically sensitive
memory, life times, half-lives
doulbe helixes spinning with the earth
the sun
the universe
building my body
magnetically structured and restructured to
electromagnetic tunes
tunes turned by mind thought
moon spin
ferrous sulfide
orange juice
We are electrically active. And we produce large amounts of energy during our daily activities.
Why not invent objects to aid us in our ever increasing need for electrical energy
to run our techno devices, by using our excess power!!!
If 10 potatoes can run a computer, why can't we
put on some magnetic or gravity sensitive device that creates
electrical energy as we walk, rake, row, run, hoe, cycle, climb, vacuum ????
Plug my stationary bike into my battery pack charger!
Invent some efficient fluorescent lights for my bike!
Put some electrodes into my compost heap, or a gas line... make some energy!
Any ideas? Technical expertise?
Contact us about human electrical power at